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Fond blanc lumineux
Connexion Conique Interne

Deep Conical

The Deep Conical implant incorporates an 11° internal conical connection. It has a connection interface with a double hexagon offering an anti-rotational function and providing increased sealing between   the implant and the abutment as well as reinforced rigidity of the implant connection.

Thanks to advanced design features such as micro-threading on the coronal part of the implant, integrated switching-platform, self-tapping thread and moderately roughened surface, the risk of adverse implant reactions such as irritation soft tissue, implant mobility, bone loss and peri-implantitis is reduced. The different implant profile options: tapered, cylindrical and Co-Axis® (angled platform) offer practitioners a versatile and reliable system for the effective treatment of all indications.

Famille Deep Conical
Connexion Conique Interne
Famille Deep Conical

L'implant Deep Conical en version



Implant Deep Conical en situation

L’implant Co-Axis® est le 
premier implant dentaire 
fileté avec une correction de 
plate-forme prothétique inclinée.

Ce design innovant made in Southern Implants permet aux chirurgiens et aux autres professionnels dentaires d'utiliser l'os disponible tout en favorisant l'émergence prothétique à un angle qui assure un résultat esthétique optimal.

Fond blanc lumineux
Deep Conical Co-Axis en situation
Ombre fond noir
Gamme de composants prothétiques Southern Implants
  • Excellente sensibilité tactile pendant le placement

  • Deux profils d’implants disponibles

  • Excellente stabilité primaire

  • Filetage autotaraudant

  • Large gamme d’options prothétiques

  • Possibilité de restaurations plurales avec le ø3.0

  • Platform switch

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